How To Get Started?

Buy one of the special “Namaqualand Treasure Hunters Kits.” You have a few options: You can see them that this link: This beautiful package includes everything you need to …

How To Find The Treasure?

This is mostly an armchair treasure hunt journey and it can be done from anywhere in the world. More than 50 riddles need to be solved to find the location …

Three LEGS And HUB-PAGE – Why?

This treasure hunt is divided into three different parts or LEGS. The first two legs both have their own game boards, consisting of about 20 riddle cards each, and help …

Why This Treasure Hunt?

The purpose of this unique treasure hunt is not only to help fund Local Nature Conservation Projects but also to promote Tourism in Namaqualand. A portion of very sale made, …

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The primary goals of the treasure hunt are to promote tourism and nature conservation in Namaqualand. Dedicated websites were created to manage this game and treasure hunt, they are: …