
Buy GRID Shoots [Solution]

Original price was: R18,00.Current price is: R5,00.


The progress that treasure hunters make is privately registered by completing each hunters HUB-PAGE “grid.” Hunters buy GRID SHOOTS for this purpose. These “grid-shoots” are basically images of each of the Solution + Riddle Cards that a hunter “earns” – and this image is then uploaded to hunters’ grid pages by ADMIN (it is like doing an audit).

The cost is R5 [$0,25] for each card upload. Your request will be locked onto your HUB-PAGE.

SKU: GSH02 Category: Tag:


Buy GRID SHOOTS for R5 [$0,25] each. You can only buy SOLUTION CARD grid-shoots if you “EARNED” them. Our admin team will check your progress history and then bring your grid page(s) up to date.

NOTE: You can not claim the treasure chest if your grid pages are not 100% completed. It is like an independent audit to track all treasure hunters progress.