In the heart of the Namaqualand desert, buried three feet underground, lies a wooden chest waiting to be found. This wooden treasure chest, laden with gold, silver, copper, diamonds, and more, can be yours – all you have to do is find it.


ONE [1]

Buy the special “Namaqualand Treasure Hunters Kit.” You can find it online or offline. Just “google” it. This beautiful package includes everything you need to get started. For example:

  • You get official registration status and login details.
  • You get your own unique Hunters ID Card.
  • You get a special Game Board & Map.
  • You get the first Riddle Cards to solve with instructions and more.

TWO [2]

This is mostly an armchair treasure hunt journey and it can be done from anywhere in the world. More than 50 riddles need to be solved to find the location of the treasure chest.

With each riddle solved, a solution or answer card is earned. On every solution card are clues and hidden messages that will guide the treasure hunter to the exact buried location.


Listen to the message from the man who buried the treasure box. It goes like this:

“To find the location of this chest – follow my clues, solve my riddles, read my rhymes, and collect all the solution cards. With these cards, build a puzzle; look carefully, and it will show you exactly where the treasure is buried.”

You can buy as many Riddle Cards as you like from the official Treasure Hunter Shop. Most of the profits from these sales go towards local nature conservation projects.

Once you have the answer to a riddle, that answer becomes a “password” to earn one solution card. With a password in hand, simply go to the “MAIN TREASURE HUNTERS PLATFORM”, select the icon and card number you have an answer for, enter your answer in the password box, and if it is correct, follow the steps to collect your solution card.

Once you have all 52 solution cards in your hands, follow the hidden messages and clues to find the buried treasure chest.

FOUR [4]

This treasure hunt is divided into three different parts or LEGS. The first two legs both have their own game boards, consisting of about 20 riddle cards each, and help the treasure hunter navigate the route to the treasure chest.

The last 9 cards of LEG 3 guide the hunter to put the last few puzzle pieces together to reveal the exact treasure chest location.

All treasure hunters have private access to their own online HUB-PAGE. From this hub-page, hunters can follow their progress in the hunt on a special GRID-PAGE.

This also serves an independent audit function to ensure credibility and fairness by the organizers and admin.

FIVE [5]

The purpose of this unique treasure hunt is not only to help fund Local Nature Conservation Projects but also to promote tourism in Namaqualand.

This treasure hunt “game” was designed in such a way that when all the cards, posters, and puzzles are collected and printed by participants, it forms a beautiful package and manual about Namaqualand history, tourist attractions, and nature conservation needs.

For some individuals, collecting all the cards and putting this entire package together will be their main goal. For these individuals, finding the treasure chest will be a bonus – the so-called “cherry on top.”

Whatever your reasons are for joining this treasure hunt – thank you and good luck!